Response Status Codes

Overview of HTTP response status codes in SAP LeanIX APIs.


SAP LeanIX uses HTTP response codes to communicate the status of API requests, enabling developers to effectively interpret the outcome of their interactions with SAP LeanIX services. These codes fall into three broad categories, reflecting the nature of the response:

  • Success codes (2xx)
  • Client-side error codes (4xx)
  • Server-side error codes (5xx)



Response codes may change in future API updates. Consider the information in this guide as a general reference, taking into account the dynamic nature of APIs and the potential for modifications in response codes with future updates. To view detailed information about response codes for each API, use our OpenAPI Explorer.

Success Codes (2xx)

2xx status codes indicate that the request was successful and the desired action was completed. These codes provide positive feedback, allowing developers to proceed with further processing or updates. Success codes adhere to the guidelines specified in Section 6.3 of RFC 7231, the Internet Standards Track document issued by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).

200 (OK)The request was successful, and the resource was retrieved or updated.

Client-Side Error Codes (4xx)

4xx status codes indicate errors originating from the client side, such as invalid requests or missing parameters. They provide actionable information for identifying and rectifying the problem before retrying the request. These error codes adhere to the guidelines specified in Section 6.5 of RFC 7231, the Internet Standards Track document issued by IETF.

400 (Bad Request)The request was malformed or invalid.
401 (Unauthorized)The request requires authentication.
403 (Forbidden)The request is not authorized to access the resource.
404 (Not Found)The resource does not exist.
405 (Method Not Allowed)The requested method is not supported for the specified resource.
409 (Conflict)The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the target resource.
410 (Gone)The requested resource is no longer available.
422 (Validation Error)The request was syntactically valid but semantically invalid, meaning that the data provided does not meet the specified validation rules.
429 (Too Many Requests)The request rate exceeds the allowed limit. For more information, see Rate Limiting.

Server-Side Error Codes (5xx)

5xx codes indicate errors originating from the SAP LeanIX servers, suggesting system-level issues or temporary disruptions. These error codes adhere to the guidelines specified in Section 6.6 of RFC 7231, the Internet Standards Track document issued by IETF.

500 (Internal Server Error)An unexpected server-side error has occurred.
502 (Bad Gateway)The SAP LeanIX servers received an invalid response from an upstream service.
503 (Service Unavailable)The SAP LeanIX servers are temporarily unavailable.