Available event types for webhook subscriptions.
Fact Sheets
Event | Description |
FACT_SHEET_CREATED | A new fact sheet is created or recovered from archive. |
FACT_SHEET_UPDATED | A fact sheet is updated. This also includes updates to fact sheet relations. |
FACT_SHEET_VIEWED | A fact sheet is viewed by a workspace user. |
FACT_SHEET_ARCHIVED | A fact sheet is archived. |
FACT_SHEET_DELETED | A fact sheet is deleted. Deletion occurs when a fact sheet type is deleted from the meta model configuration or the retention period for an archived fact sheet ends. |
Fact Sheet Relations
Event | Description |
RELATION_CREATED | A new relation between fact sheets is created or recovered from archive. |
RELATION_UPDATED | A relation between fact sheets is updated. |
RELATION_ARCHIVED | A relation between fact sheets is archived. |
RELATION_DELETED | A relation between fact sheets is deleted. Deletion occurs when a fact sheet type is deleted from the meta model configuration or the retention period for an archived fact sheet ends. |
RELATION_SWITCH | Only the target fact sheet within a relation changed. |
Fact Sheet Tags
Event | Description |
FACT_SHEET_TAG_ADDED | A tag is added to a fact sheet. |
FACT_SHEET_TAG_REMOVED | A tag is removed from a fact sheet. |
Fact Sheet Fields
Event | Description |
FACT_SHEET_FIELD_UPDATED | A field on a fact sheet is updated. |
Fact Sheet Resources
Event | Description |
DOCUMENT_CREATED | A resource is added to a fact sheet. |
DOCUMENT_UPDATED | A resource is updated on a fact sheet. |
DOCUMENT_DELETED | A resource is deleted from a fact sheet. |
Fact Sheet Subscriptions
Event | Description |
SUBSCRIPTION_CREATED | A subscription is added to a fact sheet. |
SUBSCRIPTION_UPDATED | A subscription is updated on a fact sheet. |
SUBSCRIPTION_DELETED | A subscription is deleted from a fact sheet. |
Fact Sheet Comments
Event | Description |
COMMENT_CREATED | A comment is created on a fact sheet. |
COMMENT_REPLY_ADDED | A reply is added to a comment on a fact sheet. |
COMMENT_DELETED | A comment is deleted from a fact sheet. |
Integration Runs
Event | Description |
INTEGRATION_RUN_STARTED | An integration run started. |
INTEGRATION_RUN_FINISHED | An integration run finished. |
INTEGRATION_RUN_ABORTED | An integration run is canceled. |
Integration Configurations
Event | Description |
CONFIGURATION_CREATED | A configuration for an integration is created. |
CONFIGURATION_UPDATED | A configuration for an integration is updated. |
CONFIGURATION_DELETED | A configuration for an integration is deleted. |
CONFIGURATION_ACTIVATED | A configuration for an integration is activated. |
CONFIGURATION_DEACTIVATED | A configuration for an integration is deactivated. |
Event | Description |
AUTOMATION_TRIGGERED | A no-code automation is triggered. For more details, see Creating an Automation with a Webhook Action. |
Event | Description |
POLL_RESULT_CREATED | A survey response is created. |
POLL_RESULT_UPDATED | A survey response is updated. |