Basic Settings

Overview of the Basic Settings category in the administration area.

The Basic Settings category in the administration area includes sections listed in the following table.

SectionDescriptionAdditional Information
BrandingCustomize the look and feel of the workspace to match your brand identity.Branding
GeneralConfigure basic workspace settings.General
Meta Model ConfigurationConfigure the meta model to adjust it to your organization's requirements.Meta Model Configuration
Subscription RolesCreate subscription roles to define responsibility and accountability in relation to fact sheets that match your organizational structure.Subscription Roles
TaggingCreate tags that can be added to fact sheets to enhance data categorization and searchability.Tagging
UsersGet an overview of users who have access to the workspace or were invited to it and manage user access permissions and roles.Users
User RolesConfigure custom user roles (if you're managing user roles within your single sign-on identity provider) and edit translations for user roles.User Roles