SAP Landscape Discovery Inbox

Services and systems discovered from your SAP landscape are listed in the SAP Landscape Discovery Inbox. Learn how to link the discovered items to fact sheets or review them and reject as needed.


Services and systems discovered from your SAP landscape are listed in the SAP Landscape Discovery Inbox. In the inbox, you can review these services, link them to existing fact sheets, or create and link new fact sheets. Services and systems that are not modeled as applications according to our modeling best practices are automatically skipped and not listed in the inbox. This ensures your inventory is populated with fact sheets aligned with our best practices. To learn more, see SAP Modeling Best Practices.

You can also easily reject items that are not needed and focus only on those systems and services that are relevant for enterprise architecture management.

Accessing the SAP Landscape Discovery Inbox


Access Right

Only users with admin rights can access the SAP landscape discovery inbox.

You can access the inbox from inventory by selecting SAP Landscape Discovery Inbox on the right hand side pane.

Accessing the SAP Landscape Discovery Inbox

Accessing the SAP Landscape Discovery Inbox

To access the inbox in the administration area, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the administration area and select the Integrations section.
  2. Click on Discovery Inbox in the top right corner.
  3. Select SAP Landscape Discovery tab .

Furthermore, you can also open the inbox by clicking View discoveries from the SAP landscape discovery configuration page.

List of Discovered SAP Services

The SAP landscape discovery inbox gives a tabular list of all discovered items. Selecting an item from the list opens a side panel displaying additional data about the selected service or system. Powerful filtering and search functions enable you to easily refine your view of the listed items.

SAP Landscape Discovery Inbox

SAP Landscape Discovery Inbox

At the top of the list, overview cards display the number of items in the inbox in different statuses - Action needed, Linked, Rejected, and Total. This allows you to quickly see how many items require action and how many have already been linked or rejected.

These four cards also act as quick filters. For example, clicking the Action needed card will remove all current filters and apply the filter to only list items requiring action. Clicking the Total card will remove all filters, and the list shows all discovered items.

Below the overview you can find the following information:

  • Discovered Item: The name of the discovered SAP product and tenant.
  • Status: The status of linking a discovered item to a fact sheet.
    • Linked: The discovered item is already linked to a fact sheet. No further action is pending.
    • Action needed: The discovered item has not been linked yet and still needs to be processed.
    • Rejected: The discovered item is reviewed and rejected.
  • Fact Sheet link:
    • For linked items: The name of the linked fact sheets.
    • For unlinked items: A recommendation of matching fact sheets to link to, or a suggestion for creating new fact sheets if no suitable matching fact sheets are found
  • Integration: Indicates which integration discovered the item.
  • Discovery date: The date when the item was discovered.
  • Action by: Who acted on the discovered item, including when the action was done.

Filtering and Searching the Discovered Items

You can filter discovered SAP services and systems using different parameters; some of them are as follows:

  • Status: Filter the list based on the status of the discovery item - Linked, Action needed, or Rejected. This helps you filter items that needs your attention or review services you linked or rejected earlier.
  • Classification: Filter for either SaaS Product (such as SAP Ariba Procurement) or SaaS ERP (such as SAP S/4HANA Cloud).
  • Product: Filter by a product name, such as SAP S/4HANA Cloud. This allows you to process all tenants of a specific product at once.
  • System role: Filter based on the role in SAP Cloud ALM, such as PROD, DEVELOP or TEST. We recommend to link only production systems to the inventory, so this filter helps you manage all non-production tenants.
  • Action by: Filter the list based on particular user or the system who linked the discovered items to fact sheets. This is helpful when you are trying to review services you linked or rejected earlier.

You also have other filtering options such as by location, by customer, etc. Additionally you can search for specific entries by their name using the search field below the filter.

Linking Discovered Services to the Fact Sheets

To link discovered services and systems, follow these steps:

  1. From the list, click on the service that needs to be linked. This opens the side panel with additional information about the system along with fact sheet suggestions.
  2. In the side panel, review the details about the service or system as obtained from SAP Cloud ALM. Use this information to decide whether and to which fact sheet the item should be linked.
  3. Below the discovery details, review the suggested application, IT component, and provider fact sheets. The system suggests matching fact sheets to link if relevant ones are identified in the workspace. If no suitable fact sheet is found, the system indicates that a new fact sheet is being created and linked.
  4. If you want to link the item to a different fact sheet than the suggested one:
    1. Hover over the suggested fact sheet.
    2. Click Edit.
    3. Search and select the desired fact sheet.
  5. Click Link to finish establishing the link.
Reviewing and Linking Discovered Items to Fact Sheets from From the Side Panel

Reviewing and Linking Discovered Items to Fact Sheets from From the Side Panel

Rejecting the Discovered Items

You can reject items that are not needed and focus only on those systems and services that are relevant for enterprise architecture management.

To reject discovered services and systems, follow these steps:

  1. From the list, click on the service that needs to be rejected. This opens the side panel.
  2. In the side panel, click Reject.

Linking / Rejecting Multiple Items at Once

To link or reject multiple items at once, follow these steps:

  1. From the list, select the discovered items by checking the checkbox against the item individually or by using the Select All option.
    • When you click Select All, only the items currently displayed are selected. To ensure all items are selected, scroll down to the bottom of the page to load all items before clicking Select All.
    • You can also use filters to narrow down the list for selection. For example, you can filter by an integration source and select only those items.
  2. At the top right corner of the list, click Link or Reject as needed.

Modifying the Established Link

You can modify the link between the discovered item and the linked fact sheet if it was linked inadvertently or if a better alternative exists.

To modify the link, do the following:

  1. Click the name of the discovered item. This opens the side panel.
  2. Hover over the linked application fact sheet and click Edit.
  3. Search and select the desired fact sheet.
  4. Click Link to finish reestablishing the link.



You can also just reject a previously linked item without making any changes by clicking Reject.

Next Steps

Once you've processed all items, add additional information such as ownership and business context of the applications, review the technical risks in your landscape and plan your next transformations accordingly.


Best Practice

We recommend to process all discovered items promptly. This ensures your inbox remains empty, making it easier to identify and handle newly deployed SAP services, and promptly address any blind spots in your enterprise architecture landscape.