Relation Mapping from SAP LeanIX to Collibra
Configure the mapping of relations between fact sheets to the relation between assets to enhance data governance and lineage tracking.
The integration supports the mapping of relations between fact sheets in SAP LeanIX to relations between assets in Collibra. This enhances data governance and lineage tracking, enabling better management of dependencies, impacts, and relationships between assets.
The following relations are supported:
Map relations between applications and data objects of the conceptual data layer from SAP LeanIX to Collibra. -
Map relations between interfaces and data objects of the conceptual data layer from SAP LeanIX to Collibra.Mapping of Relation Between Application/Interface and Data Object
Map relations between applications and business capabilities from SAP LeanIX to Collibra.Mapping of Relation Between Application and Business Capability
Map relations between consumer applications and interfaces from SAP LeanIX to Collibra. -
Map relations between provider applications and interfaces from SAP LeanIX to Collibra.Mapping of Relation Between Application and Interface
Configuring Mapping of Relations
The configuration process is similar for all relations, and this guide considers the relApplicationToDataObject relation for illustration.
Relation mapping can be achieved through either of the following strategies:
- Simple Relation: In this strategy, a simple relation is created on application assets in Collibra.
- Complex Relation: In this strategy, complex relations are created on application assets in Collibra.
- Intermediate Asset: In this strategy, an intermediate asset is created in Collibra for every relation on applications.
Simple Relation Strategy
To choose the simple relation strategy, do the following:
In the Collibra Integration Configuration area, go to the Relation Mapping tab.
From the Relation Mapping Strategy drop-down list, choose Simple Relation.
Once the simple relation is selected, the Relation Type field appears. Choose the required type from the drop-down list.
Configuring Relations Using the Simple Relation Strategy
The relation types shown in the drop-down list are based on the asset type that you have mapped to the fact sheet. For more, see Choosing Inbox Domain and Asset Type.

Relation Between Application and Data Object Mapped to Relation Between Assets in Collibra Choosing Simple Relation
Complex Relation Strategy
To select a complex relation strategy, ensure that you have complex relations configured in your Collibra workspace with matching asset types. For example, if you are mapping application fact sheets to technology assets in Collibra and, on the other hand, data concept and data domain from the conceptual data layer to SAP LeanIX, then the complex relation must have relations with these asset types.
To learn more about complex relations and how to configure them, refer to the official documentation of Collibra: Complex relations.
To configure the complex relation strategy, do the following:
In the Collibra Integration Configuration area, go to the Relation Mapping tab.
From the Relation Mapping Strategy drop-down list, choose Complex Relation.
In the Complex Relation Mapping field, select the required relation.
The relations shown in the drop-down list are based on the asset type that you have mapped to the fact sheet. For more, see Choosing Inbox Domain and Asset Type.
Additionally, you can map fields on relation from SAP LeanIX to attributes on the complex relation in Collibra through the Complex Relation Field Mapping fields.
Configuring Complex Relation Strategy
Relation Between Application and Data Object Mapped to Relation Between Assets in Collibra Choosing Complex Relation
Intermediate Asset Strategy
In this strategy, an intermediate asset is created in Collibra to represent every relation between the fact sheets.
To configure the intermediate relation strategy, do the following:
In the Collibra Integration Configuration area, go to the Relation Mapping tab.
From the Relation Mapping Strategy drop-down list, choose Asset.
In the Asset Inbox Domain field, specify the domain where the intermediate asset will be created.
In the Asset Type field, specify the type of the asset for the intermediate asset being created.
In the Asset Relation Mapping field, choose the relations of the intermediate asset to be mapped with the fact sheets.
Additionally, you can also map fields on relations from SAP LeanIX to the attributes on the intermediate asset in Collibra through Asset Relation Field Mapping fields.
Configuring Intermediate Relation Strategy
Relation Between Application and Data Object Mapped to Relation Between Assets Choosing Intermediate Asset Strategy
Updated 7 months ago