Modeling: Data Object
In this section, you will find a best practice Data Object model to upload to your workspace.
Important Information
This page is a modeling guideline for Meta Model v3. Updated guidelines for Meta Model v4 is available in the documentation.
Data Objects are used in LeanIX to provide an overview of general Data that is processed and exchanged by certain Applications. The Meta-Model itself is relatively stable at this level. It can be further classified into personally identifiable data (e.g. to cater to GDPR use cases) or according to its security needs. Also, the definition of CRUD operations on certain Data Objects and their related Applications is a vital use case to prepare migration projects. In the poster below, we have included tips and best practices on what is important for using Data Objects.

Pre-filled Best Practice Import
Uploading this standard model to your workspace will enable you to set up an Application Landscape quickly and get into use cases like Integration Architecture or GDPR Compliance Management.
You can get and download the Best Practice to Define Data Objects templates here and the poster above here.
Updated over 1 year ago