Reference Catalogs

What is Reference Catalog?

Reference Catalog is a Knowledge-as-a-Service feature of LeanIX. It comprises

A dedicated research team maintains and updates several catalogs with the data relevant for each catalog as listed below. This enables our customers to just “Link” to the respective Catalog to get the researched and updated data. Customers can focus on consuming and using this data and not worry about finding the data and ensuring data quality.

Business Capability

Business capabilities describe what a business does and needs to do in response to the defined strategy. They help to close the gap between strategy and execution. For more information and a blueprints for a comprehensive business capability map is available here.

Reference Business Architecture

The Reference Business Architecture enables you to easily adopt best practice business capability maps, tailored to industries, into your workspace and adjust it for your organization. For more information, see Reference Business Architecture.

Lifecycle Catalog

Customers can get lifecycle information for software and hardware, support policy, websites, and vendor information for LeanIX IT Component Fact Sheets, by linking to the corresponding entry in Lifecycle Catalog.

For more information on data fields and features available, see Lifecycle Catalog.

SaaS Catalog

Customers can get customer-agnostic information about SaaS Applications like description, product category, hosting, and single-sign-on information for LeanIX Application Fact Sheets, by linking to the corresponding entry in SaaS Catalog.

For more information on data fields and features available, see SaaS Catalog.

Tech Category Catalog

LeanIX recommends the TBM version 4 Solutions layer as the best practice for building a Tech Category taxonomy in an LeanIX Enterprise Architecture workspace. With the Tech Category Catalog, customers can set up a TBM hierarchy in their workspace by linking LeanIX Tech Category Fact Sheets and managing their taxonomy. Lifecycle Catalog customers can additionally assign their linked IT Components to TBM using the features available here.

For more information on data fields and features available, see Tech Category Catalog.