Report Views

Get an overview of standard report views and learn how to use custom views.


Users are allowed to select from a range of distinct views when generating a report. Views are essentially attributes or relations, which are represented through a color-coded visualization. Each view provides a unique perspective on the data, enabling the user to gain better insights. Report views are selected from the View dropdown box on the report and can be based on the following:

  • Fields on Fact Sheets: Attributes on the base Fact Sheet Type of the Report. In some cases, this attribute may be derived or calculated, e.g., Aggregated Obsolescence Risk.
  • Fields on Relations: Attributes that you find in a relation between the base Fact Sheet Type and a related Fact Sheet, e.g., the Total annual cost attribute is stored in the relation between an Application and an IT Component.
  • Fields on Related Fact Sheets: Attributes from Fact Sheets not shown in the report but related to the Fact Sheets displayed, e.g., the functional fit of an Application in an IT Component Landscape Report.
  • Tags: User-defined tags. You can change the colors associated with tags. For more information, see Tagging.

Default Report Views

  1. Lifecycle
    In the Lifecycle view, the color indicates the current Lifecycle status of the Application, IT Component, or Project. LeanIX differentiates five phases: Plan, Phase in, Active, Phase out, and End of Life. This view can indicate how many Applications are active and how many are phased in and out at any point in time. You need to be especially aware of the ones marked as the end of life – there might be a severe technology risk!

  2. Functional Fit
    The view Functional Fit refers to an attribute on the Fact Sheet Type Application. In the Functional Fit view, the color classifies how well the application supports a Business function. LeanIX differentiates between Unreasonable, Insufficient, Appropriate, and Perfect.
    It can help you to identify applications that need to be replaced or at least worked on since they do not functionally fit their purpose.

  3. Technical Fit
    The view Technical Fit refers to an attribute on the Fact Sheet types IT Component and on the Fact Sheet type Application. In the Technical Fit view, the color of the boxes indicates how appropriate an application or IT component is from the technical perspective. For example, maybe an underlying technology of a specific application fits or doesn’t fit the company’s strategy. LeanIX differentiates between Inappropriate, Unreasonable, Adequate, and Fully Appropriate.
    Please be aware of what technical fit you are looking at – the technical fit of an application or that of an individual IT component.

  4. Business Criticality
    The view Business Criticality refers to an attribute on the Fact Sheet Type Application. In the Business Criticality view, the color differentiates how critical an application is for your Business. LeanIX has the following classifications for Business Criticality: Administrative Service, Business Operational, Business Critical, and Mission Critical.

  5. Obsolescence: Aggregated Risk
    The view Aggregated Obsolescence Risk allows you to understand the underlying IT components' lifecycle status that supports your applications. With this view, you can understand if your applications are at risk due to any obsolescence of the technical components that are directly or indirectly related to the application.

The calculation for the Aggregated Obsolescence Risk view takes into consideration all the IT components related to an application in the following way:

  • IT Components directly linked to the Application (relApplicationToITComponent) with an active relation. (inactive relations are not considered; view the field 'active from/until' in the relation between IT Components and Applications)
  • IT Components are indirectly related to an Application. These are the IT components that can be related via a set of active relations from IT components to other IT components as hierarchical relations (relToChild) or requires relations (relToRequires).
    (Excluding the relations of the type requires/required by, between IT Component and Applications)
  • Indirectly connected to the Application via another Application with an active hierarchical relation (relToChild).

The order below determines the weightage, from highest to lowest, for the applied status of Applications

  • Unaddressed End Of Life
  • Unaddressed Phase Out
  • Missing Lifecycle Information
  • Missing IT Component Information
  • Risk Accepted
  • Risk Addressed
  • No Risk


  • Risk accepted: Risk has been assessed and accepted
  • Risk addressed: Risk has been addressed, and the ITC will be updated, replaced, or removed


Visualize Obsolescence Risk Details

You can understand the factors contributing to an Application's Obsolescence Risk score by visualizing all the contributing Fact Sheets in the side panel of Landscape, Matrix, and Roadmap reports.

You can identify all the Fact Sheets that are contributing to the overall risk score, and also see the weight or severity of each contributing IT Component's status. This provides a clearer understanding of the relationships between Applications and IT Components, enabling better risk management and decision-making.

  1. Quality Seal
    The Quality seal is a mechanism to assign accountability to the responsible or accountable user to approve the quality of a Fact Sheet whenever other users make a change to it. Quality Seal view enables more efficient analysis of items based on their quality seal states. It is available for Landscape, Matrix, and Roadmap reports.
  2. Completion
    Completion score tells how complete the Fact Sheet data are. The Completion Score View allows you to quickly understand the progress of various Fact Sheets in a visually appealing and informative manner. Completion scores are divided into six buckets: 0-49%, 50-69%, 70-89%, 90-99%, and 100%, represented by a color gradient from red to green. This view is available for Landscape, Matrix, and Roadmap reports.
  3. Project Risk
    The Project Risk is an attribute on the Fact Sheet Type Project. It evaluates if a project faces low, moderate, high, or severe risk. Depending on the effects on the quality, timeline, and/or budget of the project, dedicated management attention and support are needed.
  4. Project Status
    The Project Status view shows the status of the project at the chosen point in time. If at least one of the projects associated with an application has the status Red, the color of the application is also Red. If none of the projects has the status Red, but at least one has the status Yellow, the application appears as Yellow. If all projects have the status Green, the application is also Green. If there are no associated projects, the application stays white.
  5. Initiatives: Business Value (Budget (OpEx + CapEx))
    In the Project Portfolio Report, you have a view of your Capital expenditure and Operational expenditure. These are costs that can be maintained as an attribute on the Fact Sheet Type Initiative. It can further be broken down at the relation between Projects and Provider to indicate where the money was spent. In the Business Value view, the color of the boxes indicates the overall sum of the Budget.
  6. Initiatives: Business Value (NPV)
    In the Project Portfolio Report, the Project Business Value indicates the financial improvements that can be achieved by the Project. It also refers to an attribute on the Fact Sheet Type Project. The benefit in Net Present Value is classified into Marginal benefit, Little benefit, Large benefit, and Significant benefit.
  7. Provider Quality
    The Provider Quality identifies how well a certain Provider provides services to your company. LeanIX differentiates between Unreasonable, Insufficient, Appropriate, and Perfect. It can help you to identify Providers that need to be replaced or at least worked on.
  8. Provider Criticality
    The Provider Criticality identifies the appropriate criticality of the Provider. LeanIX differentiates between Commodity, Operational, Tactical, and Strategic. In combination with the Provider Quality, the view can give you insights into where the company relies heavily on specific providers that do not provide the quality required and, therefore, should be replaced.
  9. IT Components/Applications: Total annual cost
    The Total Cost of IT Components view shows the IT component cost for the different applications. The cost information is maintained in a field at the relation between IT Component and Application. The color gradation deepens as the cost increases.
  10. Tech Category/IT Components: Resource Classification
    The Resource Classification is an attribute of the relation between the IT Component and Tech Category. It indicates whether the technology is an approved standard in the company or not. LeanIX differentiates between Unapproved, Retiring, Conditional, Approved, and Investigating.
  11. Data Object/ Application: Data Classification
    The Data Classification view shows the sensitivity level of the data that is used, manipulated, or utilized by an application. LeanIX differentiates between Public unclassified, Sensitive, Restricted, and Confidential.

Technology Risk and Compliance - Report Views

In the LeanIX Technology Risk and Compliance, three additional views are available for landscape, matrix, roadmap, and radar report. It includes:

  • Obsolescence: Mitigated Risk Percentage
  • Obsolescence: Missing Data Percentage
  • Obsolescence: Unaddressed Risk Percentage

To learn more about these views, see Technology Obsolescence Risk Views in Reports.

Custom Views

In addition to standard report views, you can create custom fact sheet fields and tag groups that can be applied as views in reports.

  • Custom fact sheet fields: Custom fields do not automatically appear in report views. To show a custom field in report views, in the fact sheet configuration, select a field, navigate to the Options tab in the sidebar indicated by the gear icon, enable the Include in views toggle, then save the changes. This option is only available for certain field types. For more information, see Showing Fields in Filters and Views.

    Options Tab in the Field Configuration Sidebar on the Fact Sheet Configuration Page

    Options Tab in the Field Configuration Sidebar on the Fact Sheet Configuration Page

  • Tag groups: Non-empty tag groups of the Single mode automatically appear in report views. You can create more tag groups to show them in report views. For more information, see Tagging.

Views aggregation

Views in LeanIX can employ either a 1:1 mapping to the displayed Fact Sheets or a form of aggregation. For instance, each Fact Sheet correlates directly with a specific lifecycle in the lifecycle view. On the other hand, we utilize Fields on relations or Fields on related Fact Sheets to map one Fact Sheet to multiple target Fact Sheets. To visualize this view and its associated color, it's necessary to define a specific form of aggregation.

The chosen aggregation approach hinges on the nature of the data and the customer's preference. For categorical views, we might want to display the "best" or "worst" value. When working with numerical fields, we could aggregate values to their sum or average. While default aggregation values can be changed within the data model according to the customer's needs, an additional dropdown provides comprehensive control over the chosen view aggregation.

This chosen view and aggregation setting can be saved to a bookmark. This feature ensures that only relevant options are displayed: sum/average options for numerical fields and min/max for categorical fields. If a view is changed, its default value configured in the data model is applied until the user decides to change the applied aggregation via the dropdown. If a view is saved with its default from the dropdown applied, saves to a bookmark, and changes the default within the data model, the new default is respected on reloading the report with the bookmark.

This way, our system offers flexibility and customization while maintaining a clear and intuitive interface.

Select a related Fact Sheet

In addition to the aggregation options, the dropdown menu offers an enhanced feature that extends the customization via the data model. This additional feature allows you to select a specific target Fact Sheet. This option bypasses the aggregation process altogether, providing a direct way to illuminate the value of the view for the chosen target Fact Sheet exclusively.

By selecting a related Fact Sheet, you can gain detailed insight into a particular data point without the distortion of aggregated data. This feature can be particularly beneficial when you want to isolate and scrutinize one aspect of their data, sidestepping the broader perspective typically provided by aggregation.

To select a related Fact Sheet, you can navigate through the dropdown menu, select the third option, and choose the desired Fact Sheet. The view then updates to reflect the view value of the chosen Fact Sheet. This selected view, similar to aggregation settings, can also be saved to a bookmark for future reference, and changes to the target Fact Sheet (such as adding/removing relations or changing its display name) are updated in the bookmark as well.

This feature represents another step in our commitment to offering flexible, user-oriented data management tools. By providing the ability to select a related Fact Sheet directly, we further empower you to control their data views and gain insights relevant to their unique needs.