Collaborating and Managing Data in Fact Sheets
Explore how to collaborate and manage data in SAP LeanIX fact sheets. Learn how to add and handle data across various tabs of the fact sheet, including Subscriptions, Comments, To-dos, Resources, Transformations, and Surveys.
This guide details how to effectively collaborate and manage data within SAP LeanIX fact sheets. It covers the functionalities of various tabs, including Subscriptions, Comments, To-dos, Resources, Transformations, and Surveys. Each section provides high-level guidance on reviewing, adding, and managing data to enhance teamwork and data governance. For detailed guides, refer to the links provided in each section.
You can copy the link to a specific section or subsection on a fact sheet. This allows you to direct users to particular information, thereby streamlining the collaboration process.
Fact Sheet Subscriptions
Fact sheet subscription is an effective mechanism for assigning responsibility and accountability to users for maintaining fact sheet data. In the Subscription tab, you can review who is subscribed to a fact sheet, view subscriber information, and update or add new subscriptions. To learn more about subscriptions, their value, and how to subscribe and manage subscriptions, see the detailed guide Fact Sheet Subscription.

Reviewing Fact Sheet Subscriptions
In the Subscription tab, you can find details about current subscribers, including their name, subscription type (e.g., Responsible), and subscription role (e.g., Application owner, Enterprise architect, etc). You can also directly contact subscribers via email.
Commenting on Fact Sheets
The commenting feature on fact sheets allows you to post comments directly on the fact sheets. Keeping the discussions within the fact sheet simplifies collaboration and reduces the need for excessive email communication.
It facilitates discussions and allows you to propose updates and seek clarifications without making direct changes to the fact sheet itself. When a comment is posted, it triggers notifications to the responsible subscribers. However, you can change your notification settings by navigating to Notifications under My settings and selecting Comments. To learn more about notifications, see Notifications.

Commenting on Fact Sheets
Delegating Responsibilities Using To-Dos
To-dos provide an effective way of delegating tasks and responsibilities related to a fact sheet. They allow you to create and assign tasks, ask questions, and receive notifications for task updates. To learn how to create and manage to-dos, see the detailed guide To-Dos.
To-dos related to a fact sheet are listed in the To-Dos tab of that fact sheet. You can claim and complete them or assign them to the relevant person. To learn how to complete to-do tasks, see Completing To-Do Tasks.

Creating and Completing To-Dos
Storing Resources on Fact Sheets
SAP LeanIX allows you to store different types of resources directly on the fact sheet as an additional source of information. You can store the following:
- Link External Resources: You can add links to external resources with names and descriptions.
- Files: You can upload files up to 10 MB. Uploaded files are then visible in the Resources tab. Image files can be previewed by clicking on them, while other file types get downloaded when clicked.
- Diagrams: You can link diagrams in your workspace to fact sheets for easy access, and these linked diagrams are visible in both the Resources tab and the fact sheet's side panel. Linked diagrams do not necessarily contain the fact sheet itself and will remain visible even if the fact sheet is removed from them. In contrast, the resources tab also lists all diagrams that include this fact sheet, and this list is automatically updated if the fact sheet is removed from any of those diagrams.
- Logos: You can upload an image file of up to 1 MB. The image is then used as a logo for that fact sheet in the portal. Supported formats include - .png, .jpg, .gif.
SaaS Discovery and Logos
The SaaS discovery feature also adds logos of discovered applications to your portal.
Enabling File and Logo Uploads
To be able to upload files and logos as resources, go to the administration area and activate the Uploading Files on Fact Sheets feature under Optional Features.
Deactivating the feature will not delete previously uploaded files and logos. They will remain available if the feature is activated again in the future.
To store the resources, do the following:
- Navigate to the Resources tab of the fact sheet.
- Click +Add a resource. It opens a modal to add the resources.
- In the modal, select the required tab based on your need, then link or upload the resource.
- Click Save or Upload to finish adding.

Storing Resources on Fact Sheets
Data Privacy
Data uploaded in the Resources tab of the fact sheet are stored in Azure Storage, and by default, Azure encrypts storage account data at rest.
Managing Transformations Associated with Fact Sheets
Transformations detail the actionable changes needed to realize a project. Modeling transformations allows you to preview and contextualize the outcomes of IT initiatives without implementing changes in the baseline (as-is) version of the architecture. The Transformations tab in the fact sheet lists the transformation items related to that fact sheet. However, note that it is available only for users of the SAP LeanIX Architecture and Road Map Planning product. To learn how to create, edit, and execute transformations, see Transformations.
Answering Survey Questions
In the Survey tab of a fact sheet, you can view, respond to, and review survey questions related to the fact sheet. Surveys are an efficient means to gather data from relevant stakeholders. Subscribers to the fact sheet receive email notifications when surveys include questions related to their subscribed fact sheets. To learn more, see the detailed guide Surveys.
Clicking Edit next to a survey question will direct you to the survey response form, allowing you to provide your answers. To learn more, see Responding to Surveys. The provided answers are directly updated in relevant fields of the fact sheet.

Reviewing and Answering Survey Questions
Best Practice
Surveys are an easy yet powerful way to complete and maintain data quality. Combined with the fact sheet completion score, you can quickly identify which fact sheets are missing relevant information. To fully leverage these functionalities and increase your data quality, see Increasing Your Data Quality.
Reviewing the Fact Sheet Update Log
In the Last Update tab of the fact sheet, you can review the update log of each fact sheet to see what changes have been made. Here are the key elements of the update log:
- Event: Displays the action applied to the fact sheet.
- Path: Indicates which field has been updated.
- Old Value / New Value: Shows the previous value and the new value entered. The old value will be empty if it is populated for the first time.
- User: Provides the username of the individual who made the change and says System user ‘reference data’ if the field was updated automatically through the reference catalog.
- Time: Timestamp of the change.
Entries in the log cannot be deleted manually. However, personal data will be deleted in compliance with the EU GDPR regulation.
Right Side Pane of Fact Sheet
The right-side pane of the fact sheet offers quick access to essential additional information and links related to the fact sheet.
It includes links to reference catalog items, any integration or discovery services the fact sheet is connected to, and their current status. It helps you identify which discovery source (such as ServiceNow or SaaS integration, etc.) a fact sheet is linked to, along with key details like the discovery name and any external identifiers. Note that this information is visible only to users with access to discovery inboxes - typically admins, though this can be modified in the user permission settings. For more, see Role-based permission.
It also displays all the mandatory fields of the fact sheets and whether they are filled out or not. You can view the recently viewed fact sheets, allowing for quick navigation between them. Additionally, you can find a list of diagrams the fact sheet is part of, as well as any diagrams that are linked to the fact sheet.

Right Side Pane Offers Quick Access to Essential Additional Information
Updated 4 months ago