
Browse and Maintain Workspace Users

Browse Workspace Users

The Administration area provides a comprehensive way to manage your workspace users. As the default view, you will see a list of all users that are subscribed to the workspace, including their Name, Role, Status and Last Login. When switching between active users, open invites or requested invites, you can do so by choosing one of the sections at the top of the list.


By clicking on one of the users you are forwarded to the user details and subscription information.

Removing a User from a Workspace

Once invited to LeanIX, a user cannot be deleted. The only option to remove a user from a workspace is to set the user profile to archive. You can do so in the Administration / Users menu. Simply click on a user and open the detailed view.


A click on Archive removes the user from the workspace. Once a User is archived from the workspace only a re-invite can make the user active again.



A customer can set a user’s permission to Archived at any time, which results in the user not being able to log in to the workspace anymore. You can request to delete or anonymize user data by contacting LeanIX Support.

Standard User Roles and Permissions

The following standard user roles are available in LeanIX.

User RolePermissions
ViewerCan view, subscribe to, and comment on all Fact Sheets.
MemberCan view, create, and modify all Fact Sheets.
AdminHas all permissions of a Member user and administrator permissions for a workspace.

Admins are able to set the desired role for a user during the invitation. It is possible to change the role of the user afterwards (see next section).


Please note: The Rights of the Roles are valid constantly.

The User permissions also apply to other areas/functions such as APIs and Surveys (e.g. if you send a Survey to a Viewer, this person is not able to make changes to a Fact Sheet)

Include users who do not yet have access + who should not be invited at the moment

A contact is a fact sheet subscriber who has not been invited to a workspace and doesn't have a LeanIX account.

  • Admins can assign Fact Sheets to responsible individuals without them being active users
  • You do not have to invite these users to the workspace yet
  • In the end, the Fact Sheet is filled in and the Admin can decide to invite this person into LeanIX

How to create a "Contact"

  1. Open a Fact Sheet
  2. Click on "Subscriptions"
  3. Add a person
  4. Click on "new person"
  5. Type in Email, first name, last name

  1. Save it; see result below:
    -> By adding a new person, they do not become a LeanIX user automatically. You can invite them afterwards with the usual invite process / or with the blue button below

Change User Roles


The editing of content is limited by default to the user roles Admin and Member. The Viewer can view Fact Sheets and leave comments. The Audit Trail (Last Update) shows in detail all changes with a reference to the user. This transparency should prevent misuse of the system. The (workspace) Administrator has more functions like managing user access, setting the preferred invitation process, and exporting all data to Excel. The Administrator(s) can manage the settings in the Administration area from the General tab.



Manage users with the help of SSO

Please take a look at the SSO Attribute Mapping section in the Technical Docs.

Switch User Role

As an admin, you can view and interact with a workspace under an assumed role or user account. This feature is intended to increase productivity when configuring role- and user-specific aspects of a workspace. Note that this is not a feature where an admin can view and interact with a workspace under another user account.

To temporarily switch your user role, in the user profile menu, select Switch user role, select a role, then click Login.

If enabled, you can also switch between Access Control Entities (ACEs). For more information, see Creating an Access Control List.