Use Cases

Overview of LeanIX use cases

As an Enterprise Architect, you steer the initiatives that shape the digital landscape of your organization. One of your initial tasks using LeanIX is conducting an application portfolio assessment. This involves systematically reviewing and documenting your organization's applications, and assessing their interdependencies, usage, and business contribution. Beyond this foundational task, LeanIX helps you with a range of use cases:

SAP LeanIX Application Portfolio ManagementSAP LeanIX Technology Risk and ComplianceSAP LeanIX Architecture and Road Map Planning
Application Portfolio AssessmentObsolescence Risk ManagementApplication Modernization
Application RationalizationERP Transformation

Ensure a smooth start to your LeanIX initiatives by familiarizing yourself with the Meta Model and Modeling guidelines before starting with your first use case. LeanIX Meta Model, represented by Fact Sheet types and their relations, is at the heart of LeanIX Enterprise Architecture. It defines relationships between different Fact Sheet types, illustrating how information in Fact Sheets is interconnected. This blueprint assists you in understanding connections between various architectural objects. It allows for customization to meet unique organizational requirements and define your architectural structure and relationships.