Fact Sheet Mapping from LeanIX to Collibra

Configure the mapping of application, business capability, and interface fact sheets from LeanIX to Collibra to synchronize fields and subscriptions.


The LeanIX Collibra integration facilitates mapping applications, business capabilities, and interfaces from LeanIX to Collibra, enhancing transparency and insights within Collibra. This improves the business perspective and lineage support of your data governance practice by connecting LeanIX's business-centric data with Collibra's governance framework.

Fact Sheet Mapping from LeanIX to Collibra

Fact Sheet Mapping from LeanIX to Collibra

Configuring Mapping of Fact Sheets to Collibra

To configure fact sheet mapping, on the Collibra Integration Configuration page, navigate to the Application Mapping tab.

Configuring Application Mapping

Configuring Application Mapping

Activating the Mapping and Filtering Fact Sheets

To enable the synchronization of LeanIX fact sheets to Collibra, begin by activating the mapping.

  1. In the Collibra Integration Configuration area, go to the desired fact sheet tab. In this guide, for illustration application mapping is depicted.
  2. Activate the mapping by selecting the Active check box.

In the settings, you have the option to either map all fact sheets of a particular fact sheet type from LeanIX to Collibra, or you can selectively choose a subset of fact sheets to be mapped by using filters.

Choosing Inbox Domain and Asset Type

In the Inbox Domain and Asset Type fields, choose the domain where the assets need to be created and specify the type of assets that need to be created with respect to the fact sheet being mapped.

Subsequently, the integration will create an asset corresponding to each fact sheet within the chosen asset type under the specified domain.


Moving Mapped Assets into Different Domains

If required, you can relocate mapped assets into different domains at a later stage. The integration will continue to update the name, fields, and responsibilities of these assets without reverting the changes made to the domain location.

Matching Strategy

When the integration maps fact sheets to Collibra, there might already be an existing asset with the same name. To handle such situations, you can select one of the following options:

  • No Matching: The integration always attempts to create a new asset, regardless of existing entities. If a conflict arises, a warning appears in the synchronization log. This is the default option.
  • Match By Name: Before creating a new asset, the integration checks for an existing asset with the same name. If the asset type and inbox domain match, the integration uses the existing asset as the target for mapping. Instead of creating a new asset, the integration updates the matched asset.

Mapping Fields

The integration allows you to map the fields of your fact sheets from LeanIX into attributes on your assets in Collibra. To learn more about supported field types and how they are mapped, see Supported Field Types for Fact Sheet Mapping. If you choose a single or multi select attribute on both ends, you can further specify how values are mapped.

To configure field mapping, next to Field Mapping, click Add, then select values in the From and To fields. To add more fields, repeat these steps.

When choosing attribute types for Collibra, the options are categorized based on their scopes or assignments. Attribute types with a default or global scope are grouped under Global, while other attribute types are categorized under their respective scopes, for example, "Data Privacy."

Mapping Fields

Mapping Fields

Mapping Subscriptions to Responsibilities

You can map subscription roles of the Responsible type from LeanIX to responsibilities on the corresponding asset in Collibra. Once mapped, the subscriptions discovered on the fact sheets are synchronized on corresponding assets in Collibra.

In the Role Mapping field, choose subscription roles of the type Responsible and map them to corresponding roles in Collibra

You can also automatically create users who exist in LeanIX but not in Collibra by selecting the Create Users check box.



Creating responsibilities for new or existing users may result in additional license costs for your Collibra usage, depending on the license requirement of the selected role. Review your license requirements for the roles in Collibra before proceeding.

Soft Delete

When you archive a fact sheet in LeanIX, by default, the corresponding mapped asset in Collibra is also deleted. However, you can change this behavior by enabling the soft delete option in the configuration.

When the Soft Delete check box is selected, the integration won't delete the asset in Collibra when a fact sheet is archived in LeanIX. Instead, a tag saying deleted-in-leanix is added to the asset in Collibra.

Enabling Soft Deletion

Enabling Soft Deletion

Collibra Asset Links in Mapped Fact Sheets

Each mapped fact sheet in LeanIX will contain a hyperlink in the resources tab, guiding users to the corresponding asset in Collibra. This resource backlink provides easy access and navigation to the asset, allowing users to quickly reference related information in Collibra while working in LeanIX.


The resource backlink on the fact sheet is created only on the next synchronization run after the fact sheet has been successfully mapped to Collibra.

Collibra Asset Links in Mapped Fact Sheets

Collibra Asset Links in Mapped Fact Sheets