
Learn how to create and customize dashboards in SAP LeanIX. Explore dashboard permissions and set default dashboards.


Dashboards provide convenient and efficient access to essential information and insights related to an organization's enterprise architecture. Dashboards present various metrics, charts, graphs, and visual representations of data relevant to the organization's IT landscape, offering a comprehensive and real-time overview.

Dashboards can serve as a centralized hub for tracking progress and identifying areas that require attention or action by displaying new and pending action items and surveys, and more. Dashboards play a vital role in helping stakeholders make informed decisions and stay aligned with organizational goals.

When you sign in to SAP LeanIX, you automatically land on the default dashboard. You can navigate between the dashboards available to you using the left-side navigation pane.

Example Default Dashboard

Example Default Dashboard

Creating a Dashboard

You can create new dashboards to facilitate stakeholder management and showcase key deliverables and objectives specific to major initiatives.

To create a new dashboard, follow these steps:

  1. On the dashboard page, click New Dashboard.

  2. On the page that appears, enter a name for the dashboard and select how you want to proceed: create an empty dashboard from scratch or copy an existing dashboard and then customize it to your needs. Selecting an existing dashboard as a template allows you to create new dashboards with less effort, making it easier to tailor information for different stakeholders or teams based on their roles and responsibilities.

  3. Click Create Dashboard. You land on the dashboard editing page.

  4. To add panels to the dashboard, drag and drop them from the right-side panel to the dashboard grid. If prompted, configure the panel by providing a title and selecting the elements to include, then click Save. You can include reports, diagrams, fact sheet charts, KPI panels, and more.

  5. Adjust the dashboard layout. You can move, resize, duplicate, and delete panels.
    To resize a panel, hover over the panel border until the cursor transforms into a double-sided arrow, click and hold the border, then drag it to achieve the panel size that you need. You can also use keyboard shortcuts to resize panels and perform other actions. To learn more, see Keyboard Navigation and Shortcuts.
    You can apply the global filter to the dashboard to filter contents in all panels. To learn more, see Global Filtering in Dashboard.

    Resizing and Moving Dashboard Panels

    Resizing and Moving Dashboard Panels

  6. Click Save.

Editing a Dashboard

You can edit a dashboard to update information, add new panels or metrics, customize the layout, or refine the visual presentation to better meet the evolving needs of stakeholders or teams.



The ability to edit a dashboard depends on the permission that you have for this dashboard. For more information, see Dashboard Permissions.

To edit a dashboard, click Edit Dashboard in the upper-right corner, make the changes that you need, then click Save. You can do the following:

  • Add panels: To add a panel to the dashboard, drag and drop it from the right-side panel to the dashboard grid. If prompted, configure the panel by providing a title and selecting the elements to include, then click Save.
  • Duplicate or delete panels: To duplicate or delete a panel, click the three-dot icon in the upper-right corner of the panel, then select the option that you need.
  • Configure panels: To configure a panel, click the gear icon in the upper-right corner of the panel, apply the changes that you need, then click Save. Some panels are non-configurable.
  • Apply the global filter: You can apply the global filter to the dashboard to filter contents in all panels. To learn more, see Global Filtering in Dashboards.
  • Resize panels: To resize a panel, hover over the panel border until the cursor transforms into a double-sided arrow, click and hold the border, then drag it to achieve the panel size that you need. You can also use keyboard shortcuts to resize panels and perform other actions. To learn more, see Keyboard Navigation and Shortcuts.

Dashboard Details

To navigate to the dashboard details page, click the three-dot icon on the dashboard, then select Dashboard Details. Here, you can:

  • Set the dashboard as your default (if allowed by the workspace admin)
  • Share the dashboard with other users and view users with whom it was shared

If you have permission to edit the dashboard, you can do the following:

  • Change the dashboard name, description, and owner
  • Delete the dashboard
  • Change permissions for the dashboard
Dashboard Details Page

Dashboard Details Page

Dashboard Permissions

By default, dashboards are created as unrestricted, which means that all workspace users can view and edit them. Restricting the dashboard's read and write permissions helps control access and maintain data confidentiality. It ensures that only authorized users can view and modify the dashboard, preventing unauthorized access and potential data breaches. The dashboard owner always has write permissions.

The following table lists dashboard permissions for standard user roles.

Create a new dashboardYesYesYes
Delete a predefined dashboard*YesNoNo
Delete a default dashboard**YesNoNo
Delete a user-defined dashboardYesDepends on the read and write permissions set by the dashboard creatorDepends on the read and write permissions set by the dashboard creator.
Edit a predefined dashboard*YesNoNo
Edit a default dashboard**YesYesYes
Edit a user-defined dashboardYesDepends on the read and write permissions set by the dashboard creatorDepends on the read and write permissions set by the dashboard creator
Set the default dashboard for the workspaceYesNoNo
Share a dashboardYesYesYes

* Predefined dashboards are built-in dashboards specifically designed for certain use cases.

** The default dashboard is the dashboard that users land on upon signing in. Any dashboard, except for the predefined ones, can be set as the default dashboard by the admin. For more information, Default Dashboard.

Permission Types

The following permission types are available for dashboards:

  • Unrestricted: All workspace users can view and edit the dashboard.
  • Write Restricted: All workspace users can view the dashboard, but only specific users who are granted editing permissions can edit it.
  • Read & Write Restricted: Only you can view and edit the dashboard. Only specific users who are granted viewing or editing permissions can view or edit the dashboard.

Changing Permissions for a Dashboard

Follow these steps:

  1. On the dashboard for which you want to change permissions, click the three-dot icon >Dashboard Details.
  2. On the dashboard details page, navigate to the Permissions tab.
  3. In the Permission Type list, select the option that you need, then add users and, depending on the option that you selected, assign specific permissions.
  4. Click Save.

Default Dashboard

When you sign in to SAP LeanIX, you land on the default dashboard. The workspace admin can configure whether users can select their default dashboard or not.

Setting the Default Dashboard

You can select your default dashboard if the workspace admin allows users to do so. If this is not allowed, you automatically land on the default dashboard set by the workspace admin or the predefined dashboard.

To set a dashboard as default, in the upper-right corner of the dashboard, click the three-dot icon > Set as Default.

Setting a Dashboard as Default

Setting a Dashboard as Default

You can also set a dashboard as default from the dashboard details page. To do that, enable the My Default Dashboard toggle, then save the changes.

Configuring the Default Dashboard Settings (For Admins)

As an admin user, you can:

  • Allow workspace users to set their own default dashboards
  • Set a default dashboard for all workspace users, except for the predefined dashboards

Follow these steps:

  1. In the administration area, navigate to the General section.

  2. On the Settings page, locate the Default Dashboard section and configure the settings that you need:

    • To allow users to set their own default dashboards, select the Allow users to set their own default dashboard checkbox.
    • To set a default dashboard for the workspace, select it from the list.
  3. Click Save.

Sharing a Dashboard

You can share a dashboard with other users to foster collaboration and ensure that team members have access to the same insights. To view the dashboards shared with you, select Shared with me on the left-side navigation pane.

To share a dashboard from an overview page listing multiple dashboards, on the dashboard preview, click the three-dot icon > Share, select users, then click Share.

Sharing a Dashboard from the Dashboard Preview

Sharing a Dashboard from the Dashboard Preview

To share a dashboard from the dashboard details page, navigate to the Shared with tab, select users, then click Share.

Keyboard Navigation and Shortcuts

When editing a dashboard, you can use keyboard keys and shortcuts to navigate between the dashboard panels, move, or resize them.


Navigate between panels and elements in the panel↹ (Tab)

Moving Selected Panels

Move a selected panel one unit to the right→ (Right Arrow)
Move a selected panel one unit to the left← (Left Arrow)
Move a selected panel one unit down↓ (Down Arrow)
Move a selected panel one unit up↑ (Up Arrow)

Resizing Selected Panels

ActionShortcuts for WindowsShortcuts for Mac
Scale up a selected panel by one unit to the rightAlt + → (Right Arrow)⌥ (Option) + → (Right Arrow)
Scale up a selected panel by one unit to the bottomAlt + ↓ (Down Arrow)⌥ (Option) + ↓ (Down Arrow)
Scale down a selected panel by one unit from the rightAlt + ← (Left Arrow)⌥ (Option) + ← (Left Arrow)
Scale down a selected panel by one unit from the bottomAlt + ↑ (Up Arrow)⌥ (Option) + ↑ (Up Arrow)