Global Filtering in Dashboards

The global filter feature in dashboards allows creators to apply filters at the dashboard level resulting in easy customization and reuse of dashboards for different stakeholder groups or business units without the need to clone a dashboard or edit individual panels.


The dashboard's global filter allows dashboard creators to apply filters at the dashboard level, impacting multiple panels. The impacted panels display the filtered-down content. This functionality allows you to easily customize and reuse dashboards to communicate with different stakeholder groups or business units without having to clone the dashboard or edit individual panels.

The filters affect the following types of panels:

  • Reports
  • Fact Sheet charts
  • Saved Searches



Dashboard global filters are added on top of filters already applied at the panel level. The dashboard global filters' scope is limited to the dashboard, and does not change the filters elsewhere in the platform; therefore, they do not affect your actual reports, diagrams, or saved searches. So when you open a report from the dashboard, you get the view with pre-set filters established at the report level.

In cases where the global filter is not applicable to a panel or when there is a conflict with the filters applied at the panel level, a banner is displayed on the affected panel saying the filter can not be applied. The banner will not affect the appearance of the dashboard, as it is visible only during dashboard editing.

The dashboard's global filter is Fact Sheet type specific. For example, if you want to filter applications with relation to certain organizations, you need to choose the Application Fact Sheet type and then specify the related organizations.

Applying the Global Filter

Follow these steps:

  1. In the upper-right corner of the dashboard, click Edit Dashboard.

  2. At the top of the dashboard, click Apply global filter.

    Applying Global Filter in the Dashboard

    Applying Global Filter in the Dashboard

  3. In the dialog that appears, apply the filters that you need, then click Use Fact Sheet Filter.
    The applied filters appear at the top of the dashboard. You can add or modify filters to meet your needs. The content of the dashboard panels updates accordingly based on the applied filters.

    Remove or Modify Filters In Dashboards With Applied Filters

    Remove or Modify Filters In Dashboards With Applied Filters

  4. To save the dashboard with the global filter applied, click Save.

The dashboard is saved with the applied filter. The dashboard panels display filtered content.